

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Why a NEW blog?

  Hi, if you are reading this RAD! Thank you! My name is Jess O'Brien. I am 33 years old! I have been married to the love of my life for almost 11 years and we have 3 kids/blessings and a dog. I have to put the dog in there cause it really is like having another kid with the perk of getting to kennel him when needed! I grew up in SanDiego with my wonderful parents and 3 bothers. My family and I live in Northern KY near my husbands family currently. I love it here. Being the hiking type, spring through fall we are out doors as much as possible. I do in fact hate winter. My husband is a full-time firefighter and loves it. I get to stay home with our 3. My job includes educating our kiddo's. I'm not a big blog reader myself. Mainly because I don't read very quickly but I have found great encouragement from hearing others journeys. I love REAL. If you are real with me I can connect with that even if your real is a little quirky like mine! I have had a blog for a few years. It began in the hardest season of life I have experienced to date. My season now is a little more stable but not with out its daily struggles. As I read God's word and He faithfully reveals truth to me something happens. I am not content to soak it up and enjoy it for just me. Not that there is anything wrong with that but the something else that happens is this, if I don't share what I am learning I WILL BURST! So that's it. That is the purpose of this blog. To pass on what I am learning with the hope that I will encourage one. The name ABIDE SCRIPTS comes from a business gone freebie. LOL. I paint scripture on canvas. Maybe I will repost that whole story on this blog. For now I just wanted to introduce the new blog and the purpose.

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