

Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Shaking Fist


     Are you familiar with Psalm 139 yet? If not I would encourage you to read it. I have a new friend in China and we are reading it together right now. I have read it memorized and taught it to teenagers and still God is grabbing my attention and teaching me new things. That is just what happens with God's word right! Love it!  
     Have you ever looked at your current circumstances completely disillusioned and thought, "I didn't sign up for this." I have. The thing is our days don't go as planned. We have dreams and goals that don't ever come true or just haven't yet and we fear they never will. My response to this disillusionment in the past has been shake my fist at God and blame Him for not being good enough to give me exactly what I want. Kind of like a spoiled 3 year old. 
     If we are to take God at His word then we have to believe (not necessarily feel) that we are SEEN. He saw us before our own Mom's. God formed our days. That is fancy talk for He has a plan for our lives. Can we mess with His plan by our disobedience and rebellion, AH YEAH! 
     There are so many reasons why our lives don't go as planned. We may have made plans with out checking with God. We may be suffering as result of our own rebellion. We may be in an uncomfortable situation because of someone else's sin (that one is an easy one to blame on God, I know! ). There are many more reasons. 
     Here's how I would like to encourage today. Shaking our fist at God does only one thing. Cuts you off from the ONE SOURCE for help in your current situation. There is not promise of peace from this world. If you have lived long at all you know this to be true. There is nothing that you can do, buy, or experience that comforts for any sustainable length of time. But if we will believe God and what He says about Him self (HE is good and He loves us) and ourselves (we are valuable enough to Him to die for) then we get to grow in peace. 

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

     Now peace is a fruit of the spirit. With much of God's economy we start with a seed, He cultivates it if we choose to abide and then there is fruit for us, God and other's to enjoy. (John 15) 
     Were ever you are at in your growth may I encourage you to ABIDE. Stay connected to the source of growth and peace. 

Phil. 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

*A friend of mine wrote on the "I didn't sign up for this" heart. Great read and you can HERE

Saturday, June 20, 2015

For the STAY HOME Mom

     Hey there. I am hoping to reach at least one other Mom out there. I recently heard that only 10% of women in America choose to make their home their sole place of purpose. This is not a bash the working Mom post by any means. I desire to encourage the ladies that are in my boat, that's all.
     Each family makes their own choices for how they structure their family and income. We chose on engagement that I would stay home just as soon at we had children. I have not "worked" a day since being a Mom. I tried out the home business thing with painting. Loved painting hated the money end of things. We make great sacrifices to stay home with our kids. There is one income and things are tight. We as in you the stay home mom I'm writing to and me. The early years are full of poop, barf and crying. No sleep and and way to much Kipper.
When the boys were 1 and 3
     I was pregnant with the next baby while the current baby was still waking up through out the night. I can remember my husband coming home from work one day.  I was pregnant with Abigail and sitting on the kitchen counter soaked in my own tears. Troy (3) and Bear (1) playing/fighting on the floor.  My answer to what is wrong was simply that I had no idea what to do with them ALL DAY LONG. I look back at that memory with a giggle now. I just hadn't slept in 3 years and I was barfing myself for 9 months. My husband suggested crafts and coloring....if you know me it is strange that I hadn't thought of that myself. It was just the season I was in. Physically taxed and emotionally well, pregnant. Things get easier as we train our kids to help with chores and they have been around long enough to learn that disobedience is in no one best interest. They start understanding big concepts and even develop a sense of humor which is wildly fun and you feel like your not so alone in the day.
     I guess all this reflecting came about as my husband has had a ton of over time (blessing) and everyone including myself decided to get sick. Feeling terrible myself I was up half the night with one only to get them to finally sleep and have another start crying. On my way to that ones room I step in dog vomit and want to just stop and cry myself.
This was the morning after the stepping in barf.
lol. I love this one. I was so physically done! 

ear infection

ear infection 

My spot on the deck. Watching the
rain before the needs begin again
     I have done these seasons in the past my way. Which looks like feeling sorry for myself, wishing to be appreciated or seen and thinking something strange and terrible has happened to me. No. That's just being a Mom. Here is the gem God whispered to me this time around. Isn't it great that doing this is your top priority? Isn't it wonderful that you are not pressured about missing work or people outside your home needing anything from you? Wow! yes that is really nice.
     God has been really slowing me down. Showing me what fruit will last and what won't. This wave of sickness couldn't have come at a better time. It rained all week and we are not stay inside kind of people. I let my kids zone out to video games and movies and didn't feel bad about it for a second! This is growth for me. God even helped me keep up with the home so that we could feel gross in a cleanish environment.
     Mom's that have been blessed with the circumstance to stay home...Enjoy it. Don't miss out by a perspective that thinks there is something better going on somewhere else. There are the really rough moments but if we press into God He will lead us as we lead this next generation in loving Him.
He lost his first tooth today. He got out of bed burst
out to the living room scaring me half to death and
squealed IT CAME OUT! This was such a big deal
as nearly every kid he knows has already lost a tooth.
It was a right of passage of sorts and I didn't miss it.
I was home! 

Sunday, June 14, 2015


     Have you ever asked God to give you a verse for a specific season of your life? When I recently  got fed up with being unhealthy I knew there would be a process involved since this is a journey I have quit several times before. So as I prayed through it the same truth kept popping up.  "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
I even painted this verse for my Aunt Fabulous a while ago. 
     ONE would think I would be over joyed to have God the creator of the universe take the time to impress anything on my heart let alone line up several circumstances to confirm over and over that this was the truth to be applied to my up coming season. Nope. I was disappointed. It makes me giggle even now. Seriously, I was disappointed because that is EVERY ONES verse! It is what I would call a bumper sticker verse. A verse in the bible so commonly quoted and even miss quoted that weather you are a disciple of Christ or not your probably familiar with it. I shouldn't have been surprised because God has been walking me through many bumper sticker verses this year and asking me "do you believe Me?"
      If I truly 100% believed that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me lets be honest I wouldn't struggle so much. So after whining to God that I didn't like His choice verse for getting healthy and strong He gently impressed on my heart, "EVEN THIS, Jess. Even the big one. Even the one you don't believe I can walk you through and you need to."
      So I made myself a little sign. I stapled it to the ceiling in the basement were I work out. I see it every time I have to do some move on my back like sit ups or leg lifts and so on. Its been a great reminder that my new journey to fitness has less to do with loosing weight and more to do with gaining faith and strength physical and in my LORD.
     Do you have an "EVEN THIS?" Something in your live that you don't really want to deal with but your way has been so miserable you know its time to change? I think the reason some verses make it to bumper sticker status is because though its just a few words if we would dare to whole heatedly believe them God will overhaul our entire life. If you are brave enough to share I would love to hear about yours. In a personal message or comment on this blog. What ever your comfortable with. I would love to share in the journey and be praying with you.


* I also wanted to mention that after I posted FEAR & FITNESS as dear friend reminded me that she is someone that can help me. She is a personal trainer/ fitness coach and has a huge heart to help people practically! She has coached me over the last few weeks not only in building work outs specifically for me but also coaching me towards grace in the journey and away from all that can be dark and self-centered in the world of fitness. Deepest Thanks to you Tricia!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

"Good Mom"

     I don't think a single woman on earth set out to be a "Bad Mom." Having said that what is a good Mom and how do we become one? An answer to this question could be, "I do as much for my kids as I can because I love them." Yet the answer from Mom's in generations past may have been, "I do a little for my kids as I can because I love them."
     So what I would like to share today is what the Lord has spoken to me on this matter personally.
When I found out I was pregnant it wasn't this moment of joy over flowing. Being the analytical that I am I thought "oh, dear Lord how do I be a Good Mom!?" The label "Good Mom" even held a place of idolatry in my heart. So much so that I would have anxiety if I or anyone else thought I wasn't a good mom.
    So if this is a label you have struggled over or are down right worshiping instead of God like I did then this is what I would say to encourage you.
     I have spent several year's out of my short 7 of being a mom trying and striving to be a "Good Mom." Make all the right choices, don't yell, be fun, teach them who Jesus really is, discipline consistently but not in frustration and so on. Its too MUCH! It was all just to much for me to manage.
     This Mom calling is hard and constant. So here was the huge game changer for me in my being a Mom. God told me to stop seeking being a "Good Mom" but to take all that effort, drive and desire to do the right thing and just SEEK HIM FIRST. It was a little scary to get started. I feared that if I didn't constantly worry about what I was doing the ball was going to get dropped and then my biggest fear would become my reality. I would be a "Bad Mom." As I obeyed and just kept seeking Him first my sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's conviction grew. I more quickly notice when I was out of line and God is gentle in His correction. Over and over God has lead me back to doing things His way. See His way is good and if we are willing to pay attention to His leading and obey He will make the way straight and good. Suddenly I'm being a "Good Mom" with out even seeking it specifically. This is the deal, surrendered Daughters of the King are Great Mom's.
     I don't seek Him first every moment of every day by any means but when I do it is fulfilling and void of fear. Press on Mom's. Seek the Lord in your lives first above every other pursuit and He will lead you to be a "Great Mom."
one of the sweeter moments
and on a lighter note...drinking coffee helps 

Thursday, June 11, 2015


    Have you ever struggled with something so long and hard that the shear thought of victory makes you want to laugh (sarcastically) and crawl in a whole (literally)? Oh me too! So I'm in good company. I honestly have no desire to hit post on this baby but not for fear of being found out. For fear of failing again others knowing about it. Fear of failure is the second most powerful force in my life. Grace is #1 but I am more naturally aquatic with fear. Grace has been this foreign concept that I have to abandon my own understanding to even begin to wrap my thinking around.
      I shared on my previous blog that I was molested at the ripe age of 11, one week before my 6th grade graduation. God has worked His mighty healing in my life but one lie that was planted in my thinking through this experience and that I still fight to this day is that I am not good enough. Not good enough to be taken care of. Not good enough to have victory. Not good enough to be a good mom. Not good enough to educate my kids. Not good enough to support my husband. The "not good enough" lie can come in all shapes and colors but its just that, A LIE. This lie in my life has been a distraction from the truth. (Ah duh I guess that is the definition of a lie). It has set me on a hamster wheel of trying to earn "good enough." So what is the answer? Its kind of right there in the lie. I'm NOT GOOD ENOUGH! That why Jesus died and rose! If I accept this then my hands are free to hold grace.
       Now track with me. The more I learn about this crazy grace thing. The more there is a spot light on area's in my life that I have not allowed God to touch or even get near with His grace. Areas that I would rather keep trying and failing on my own just because to let God in would be too scary. What if I once again fail?
     My long time (like 14 years long) area that I have pushed God's grace out of is my "body/fitness/eating to cope/hating the way I look." You may know what I am talking about or you may have a grace barricade around another life issue. This is me being super venerable! I could talk all day about any other issue, confess my sin and how God is meeting me in it but this issue has been so hands off. I have grown over the years and learned in this area. I had 3 babies and all that comes with weight gain and loss with that. I am on a new medication currently that God has graciously used to stabilize my hormones and as a result our home but with it came 12 lbs. I weight 172 lbs. and I'm not pregnant. This is the heaviest I have ever been. Now be careful don't look at that number and start comparing. Hear the heart of what I am saying. The heaviest I have ever been (not pregnant of course, I will never reveal that! lol) so in my area that I don't let God in with His grace I am at a place of personal defeat. I will tell you that as the scale was going up when I started my meds pounds was not the only thing I gained. I also gained an acute desire to be free of my stronghold and it has taken me right up to a single and simple truth.


     Do I believe it? Well yes of course for everyone else and their strongholds. As this is highly hypocritical and not something I want to pass on to my little female,its time to be FREE.
I am writing today to declare that I am allowing (with trepidation) God's grace in on my fitness issue. Would I love to share in no time flat a before and after picture of me in a bikini going from fluffy to super fit. Like hotter than I was when I was 16? Well yeah, but God has cautioned me that He is more concerned about that hidden person of the heart. Its time to break the stronghold not so that I can check off physical beauty boxes but because this area is affecting the beauty that matters to my Creator.

1 Peter 3:3-4 
Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.

     I never call my Abi beautiful in reference to her appearance. I use other words and of course to edify her because seriously she is so pretty! I save the word beauty to challenge both of us to be beautiful women of God. When correcting behavior such as whining, screaming, manipulating or fighting I ask her, "Abi what is it to be beautiful?" She responds with the standard 3 year old speech impediment, "Peaceful and gentle." "Where you beautiful with your brother just now?"
      You get the idea. Its time for Mama to grow in beauty too. Its time to let grace into an area that has been a home for fear of failure and self-hating. So here we go. Now you know. I would love prayer if you think of me as I embark on this new journey of grace.
     I don't plan on taking my blog over with fitness updates. I really do enjoy mainly passing on truths from God's word but I will update sometime in the future on how things are gong.
     Your turn. Is there a room in your heart that has a homemade sign like a teenager that says "KEEP OUT JESUS!” Do you want to take it down with me? We are all in this together!

Failed Mother's Day

Ah Mother's Day. I got to the end of Mother's day this year in complete defeat. My man was on shift so I was flying solo. I tried so hard make sure my thinking and expectations were in the right place to no avail.
    This is our life my husband has missed my birthday and mothers day since he has been a firefighter. That's the down side to the job which pales in comparison the the up side. Like my husband gets to do what he is called to and loves doing. I get to stay home and do what I am called to and love doing. He is off 2/3 of the time but some times gone for the special days. The problem comes in when I lose sight of the great stuff and hone in on the few harder aspects.
     So fail. The kids and I had a great time in the morning with our church family and it went down hill from there. As much as they wanted to be perfect for me on Mother's day they were rotten. Fighting, lying, manipulating and so on. Just another day but today it was especially annoying because I was feeling sorry for myself that everyone else had husbands around to lighten the load and make them feel special. I chose to ignore their behavior until I blew up. I haven't blow up at them in a long time. God has really done a wonderful work in redeeming me from angry mom to self-controlled mom. So I screamed at them and took the dog out. As I came back in Troy our 7 year old is standing there crying. "I need a hug mom." The Holy Spirit says, "You get over yourself this instant and stop treating my kids this way." Yes Lord. I hugged him. He desperately says, "Mom I tried so hard to make Mother's Day special and be good but there is just bad in me!" I had wasted much of this day and right there in his words the Lord spoke softly to my heart, "Would you like Me to redeem it? Then tell him the gospel one more time." I scoop my boy in my arms and sat with him. "Me too, Troy. There is bad in me to. The bible tells us there is nothing good in us. That's why we need Jesus that is why its so great that Jesus died to pay for our bad so that we don't have to." Bear soon joined us. "I wanted so badly to be good on Mother's day too but I didn't choose it either. When you guys made bad choices I didn't give consequences I just got mad and that isn't how God parents us. I asked them to forgive me. They promptly did the same. We went to the Lord together and and confessed our sin and prayed for one another. Troy even asked God to help me to be fast to give consequences and take away privileges when the they disobey instead of get angry. We sat on the couch for a while and talked about the wonderful parts of the day. We laughed. God redeemed. The whole day could have been waisted but God redeemed it in one teachable moment of grace.
     See, I have been asking God to do what it takes to help me get grace. Just that morning I was talking with our Pastor about the disconnect between my head and heart on the matter of grace. How so often I try to earn or pay for my free gift. Getting the gospel inside out. I hate that I screamed at my kids and lost control but I love what God did with it. He took us from ashes to beauty.  Not only on that day but even now as I think back He showed me once again a picture of His love and redemption. There are no perfect Mama's no perfect kids and no perfect families. We are all in this together. In us lies no good thing. WE NEED JESUS. I'm so thankful to have Him.


Thank you for taking the time to read this.  If you have bought an Abide Scripts painting I want to start with saying thank you.  I never would have imagined that I would have the privilege of doing something like this and I have been so bless with getting hear your stories and pray over you and the people you love.

     Painting was a yes to a prayer I spoke to God while taking the dog out.  I wanted to earn a little extra for my family as we were entering into the hardest financial season of our lives so far.  That season ended with us being homeless and then blessed with the nicest home we have ever lived in and my husband finally getting a full time position as a fire fighter.  Our budget is still not stable but my man puts in every extra hour he can and God has sustain us in unexplainable ways, faithfully this last year.
     Every family looks a little different. God has made it clear for our family that I am to stay home full time so as to keep the home, educate the kids, work out, and have energy to love on my man when he is home.  Paul and I agreed that painting scripture was a welcome add on to my other rolls. In the beginning we carefully set priority boundaries.  All of my rolls with my family were to come first and then I would paint.  I have fought hard this last year to keep these priorities straight.  It has been a growing experience.  By Christmas this year I was a little burnt out.  I still loved to paint but something was off.

    At the very beginning of January I sat down with the Lord and took a good look at my calling. Wife, Mom, Homemaker, Educator, Painter and so on.  God was so good to give me renewed and refreshed vision in every area but Painting.  I still wrestled with it for the last several weeks wondering what was up.  We just completed our taxes for last year and I could not have imagined what would happen!

     When we looked at the actually money profit of Abide Scripts over the last year and broke it into how much the family had extra a month it wasn't very much.  I painted something like 300 or more canvases and as far as money goes there wasn't much to show for it.  Owning a small business for me meant paying 40-50% in taxes.  (Now, remember I am only taking on an earthly economy level.  The real and lasting weight of getting to paint can not be measure with this worlds currency.  Not because I am anything but because God promises that His word accomplishes what He has planned for it. ) So, bottom line.  Its not worth it.  EEK!  I know.  I wasn't bad at being a business woman.  I didn't loose money.  But I am not going to raise the prices to make more money.  I absolutely do not want to paint more that 300 canvases a year as painting is like fifth from the top of my priorities.  So what do I do?
     As Paul and I sat on the ground in front of our couch looking at Turbo Tax the tears began to steam hot and steady down my face.  I went threw a whole gamut of emotion very quickly and one very powerful conversation with the Holy Spirit.

Me: Lord, this isn't worth it! I don't want all the stress of invoices, deadlines and so on! But how do I keep painting?! I WANT TO KEEP PAINTING!
Holy Spirit: Are you willing to trust me with everything "money" for your family?
Me: ahhhhhhhhh, yes.
Holy Spirit: I have not made you to be a business woman.
Me: OH GOOD! Cause it was really stressful and I want to give that part of me back to my family.
Holy Spirit: Paint for free
Me: Seriously! OK! How?

     He kind of left me hanging on the HOW to do it part.  But I came away from my encounter with the Lord over Turbo Tax with a million pounds lifted from my heart!  I don't have a passion to run a business.  I just didn't know any other way to paint.  Abide Scripts as a business was a perfect way for God to get me going on this adventure honestly it was a desire for "extra" that made me even ask and get the yes answer.  I had to trust Him SO much with every aspect of this business and was so very blessed in the process.  The money I did make was great and timely for our family but God is changing things up.  He gets to do that when its His thing to begin with.

     Now I try and figure out how to paint for free.  I want to keep painting.  I want you, my former clients to keep placing orders for God's word to encourage yourselves or the people you love.  I do need you to pay for your supplies.  I don't know if that means I keep them on hand you just pay for the the canvas at cost or if you supply me with your own canvas.  We as a family don't have the extra to pay for supplies or we would (maybe one day!).  I don't want you to feel weird about placing an order because you feel bad that I'm not making any money!  I do want you to consider yourself an extension of God's work through  His Abide Scripts.  Pray before you place the order.  Together lets get God's word up on the wall in a way that matches existing decor.   Lets keep customizing encouragement and color together for God's glory.
     Now one of the things I am so excited about is NO dead lines! I will do my best to get the scripture painted and in your hands but I will also enjoy the freedom to put my family completely first. YAY!
     I know this may seem totally backwards.  I JUST HAVE TO OBEY! Thank you for reading. Please pray for me and my family as we under go this change. Pray for provision.  That I could keep painting God's word for free.

What does Paul think? Easy, when I asked if he was ok with the whole thing he said he was ready to go this direction with it last year! OK!

                                                His little girl,  Jess O'Brien


I have been struggling again with fear. This is hardly my first time being fearful nor my last I would guess. So what do we do when we get fearful? In the past (By past I mean earlier today) I would immediately be paralyzed by it and then get up the courage to quote scripture at myself possibly after making my family miserable by the wipe lash of and emotionally unstable mom/wife. Be anxious for nothing I would condemn myself thinking God must be just as disappointed with me as I am that I am struggling with fear in the first place. Let me save you some time and state that my way doesn’t work. It doesn’t bring peace that passes all understanding to simple feel bad that you are fearful. Scripture on the other hand we know is alive! As alive as it is I have found it’s not a one stop fix it shop. We don’t just get to use it as a band-aid so we can get on with our life and feel happy. Do we view scripture as the very voice of God spoken into our lives? Because that is exactly what He means for it to be. Do we read it and believe. To believe something is to accept that thing as TRUE. So this round of fear I am going back to the basics. Do I believe what God says about me? Because if and when I do it changes everything. Take Eph.2: 4-10, But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ- by grace you have been saved. So if I am going to believe this then this is saying that I was dead before salvation. That means that it was impossible for me to work to gain God’s approval. I was dead. So salvation is completely by grace. Grace being something I did not earn and was a gift free and clear. Dead people can’t do anything let alone earn grace. Verse 6, and raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, . This one is a little more difficult to wrap our belief around because its future and right now but God didn’t say we had to understand to be able to accept it as truth. I love this next verse because God gives us insight on why in the world he would save sinners. Verse 7 so that in the coming ages He might show the immeasurable riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. I don’t know if there is a clearer description of a God who is for us. If God, the creator of the solar system and space beyond is for me, seriously who can be against me? Including myself. Why even try to be against myself. Energy would be better spent believing what God is saying. Verse 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.  I think this truth can hit humanity 2 ways. For the person that has spent much of their life trying to be good enough in there own strength, this is kind of a let down at first. Like, “What, everything I have done for God doesn’t get me extra points!?” For the person who is acutely aware that they are a sinner it can be a relief cause they knew they couldn’t earn it even if they tried. Whichever camp you are in the truth gives freedom and life. Dead people can’t earn grace. It is the grace of God that we can even be saved. We of course need to believe but once we do unto salvation or after as we grow the result is the same peace, joy, self-control, gentleness and so on. Here is the part that is freeing me from the grip of fear, as I believe it. Verse 10 Fore we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Is there work to be done is our relationship with God? Absolutely! But not for points. The motive or our work is not to look good or have our poop in a group. It is because we are thankful. Thankful that God took this dead person and breath life by the breath of grace. We get to overcome death because He died for us. He is for us desiring to give us immeasurable riches of grace and kindness to help us live out lives that reflect the Him. Now these is a truth that will help us stand and rejoice even under the greatest threat of fear the enemy of our souls can dish out.
How about you? Is there something in your life paralyzing you from enjoying the grace and kindness of God? Is there a lie about who you are to God that you are believing in place of TRUTH? I would encourage you to get real with yourself and the Lord and believe His word over your own.
I am not challenging from a place of having gotten it…Even today I had to lock myself in the closet and beg God to give me a better understanding an the faith to believe this grace thing.

Why a NEW blog?

  Hi, if you are reading this RAD! Thank you! My name is Jess O'Brien. I am 33 years old! I have been married to the love of my life for almost 11 years and we have 3 kids/blessings and a dog. I have to put the dog in there cause it really is like having another kid with the perk of getting to kennel him when needed! I grew up in SanDiego with my wonderful parents and 3 bothers. My family and I live in Northern KY near my husbands family currently. I love it here. Being the hiking type, spring through fall we are out doors as much as possible. I do in fact hate winter. My husband is a full-time firefighter and loves it. I get to stay home with our 3. My job includes educating our kiddo's. I'm not a big blog reader myself. Mainly because I don't read very quickly but I have found great encouragement from hearing others journeys. I love REAL. If you are real with me I can connect with that even if your real is a little quirky like mine! I have had a blog for a few years. It began in the hardest season of life I have experienced to date. My season now is a little more stable but not with out its daily struggles. As I read God's word and He faithfully reveals truth to me something happens. I am not content to soak it up and enjoy it for just me. Not that there is anything wrong with that but the something else that happens is this, if I don't share what I am learning I WILL BURST! So that's it. That is the purpose of this blog. To pass on what I am learning with the hope that I will encourage one. The name ABIDE SCRIPTS comes from a business gone freebie. LOL. I paint scripture on canvas. Maybe I will repost that whole story on this blog. For now I just wanted to introduce the new blog and the purpose.