

Sunday, June 14, 2015


     Have you ever asked God to give you a verse for a specific season of your life? When I recently  got fed up with being unhealthy I knew there would be a process involved since this is a journey I have quit several times before. So as I prayed through it the same truth kept popping up.  "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
I even painted this verse for my Aunt Fabulous a while ago. 
     ONE would think I would be over joyed to have God the creator of the universe take the time to impress anything on my heart let alone line up several circumstances to confirm over and over that this was the truth to be applied to my up coming season. Nope. I was disappointed. It makes me giggle even now. Seriously, I was disappointed because that is EVERY ONES verse! It is what I would call a bumper sticker verse. A verse in the bible so commonly quoted and even miss quoted that weather you are a disciple of Christ or not your probably familiar with it. I shouldn't have been surprised because God has been walking me through many bumper sticker verses this year and asking me "do you believe Me?"
      If I truly 100% believed that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me lets be honest I wouldn't struggle so much. So after whining to God that I didn't like His choice verse for getting healthy and strong He gently impressed on my heart, "EVEN THIS, Jess. Even the big one. Even the one you don't believe I can walk you through and you need to."
      So I made myself a little sign. I stapled it to the ceiling in the basement were I work out. I see it every time I have to do some move on my back like sit ups or leg lifts and so on. Its been a great reminder that my new journey to fitness has less to do with loosing weight and more to do with gaining faith and strength physical and in my LORD.
     Do you have an "EVEN THIS?" Something in your live that you don't really want to deal with but your way has been so miserable you know its time to change? I think the reason some verses make it to bumper sticker status is because though its just a few words if we would dare to whole heatedly believe them God will overhaul our entire life. If you are brave enough to share I would love to hear about yours. In a personal message or comment on this blog. What ever your comfortable with. I would love to share in the journey and be praying with you.


* I also wanted to mention that after I posted FEAR & FITNESS as dear friend reminded me that she is someone that can help me. She is a personal trainer/ fitness coach and has a huge heart to help people practically! She has coached me over the last few weeks not only in building work outs specifically for me but also coaching me towards grace in the journey and away from all that can be dark and self-centered in the world of fitness. Deepest Thanks to you Tricia!

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